Welcome back to Part 2

Hi, welcome back to my story. Part 1 focused on my story and my motivation for teaching kids yoga. Part 2 is all about Mosaic Kids Yoga and my wish for you.  Enjoy!

Why Mosaic? 

I love mosaic art. The idea that small, irregular shapes and colors can come together to create a perfect whole.

Mosaic represents diversity and inclusion. Ninety-nine percent of my students are children of color, many of them immigrants and ESL learners. Also, some students come with physical or emotional limitations that make their yoga practice unique.  Mosaic, as the name suggests, highlights all of the physical, cultural and emotional differences in my students.

Sadly, in many urban schools, students don’t always see this type of diversity reflected back to them with their teachers. And this sometimes goes for yoga settings.  The media’s view of what yoga teachers and students should look like often ignore the differences of each yoga student.  This lack of diverse representation can sometimes cloud a student’s (for both children and adults) perception of what yoga is or whether or not they can do yoga. Other times, the lack of this awareness on the teacher’s part can unintentionally bring up a trauma, increasing a child’s barrier to trust.

I created Mosaic Kids Yoga as a way to leverage these unique differences – their culture, nationalities, languages, and history – to create safe and culturally inclusive yoga environment where students could see reflections of themselves in yoga.  These differences serve as the catalyst for creative learning opportunities to explore the concepts around non-violence, compassion, kindness, tolerance, and self-esteem.

Mosaic Kids Yoga is about connecting the beautiful, different pieces together through yoga!

My Wish for You

My hope for Mosaic Kids Yoga is that my site offers guidance, support, and a little bit of fun to people interested in teaching kids yoga to kids with unique situations and in culturally diverse communities.

For aspiring teachers, I want to offer the advice and resources that I used in my journey to be a children’s yoga teacher. For educators or school administrators, I want to offer examples on what yoga in your classrooms can look like and how mindfulness, yoga, and meditation can not only help your students but also support your teachers.  If you are a parent, caregiver, or an advocate for children’s well-being, I hope this site provides you with the information you need to introduce yoga to your child, just like my mom did for me when I was little.

It’s time for me to wrap up and get ready for tomorrow’s classes.   Before I go I want to say again, thank you for visiting my blog.  This is a big moment for me to open up and share experiences with you all. I hope what I have to give adds value to your teaching and makes a difference with your kiddos.

If you have any suggestions or questions, or if you just want to say a quick “hello,” please feel free to email me at jodi@mosaickidsyoga.com.  Thank you so much for visiting and welcome to Mosaic Kids Yoga!
